Apex Legends’ once worst character dethrones Pathfinder in meta but not for long

1 week ago 1

Newcastle, Apex Legends’ once least-used character, actually managed to dethrone Pathfinder in the Season 23 meta. However, it hasn’t lasted all that long.

As new legends are added to Apex Legends, the battle royale’s meta usually shifts. However, it’s been tough to make a real mark at the top. For a long time, Wraith, Pathfinder, and Octane ran the show. They couldn’t be dethroned no matter what changes were made. 

Over time, their dominance has been challenged. Bangalore, Horizon, Lifeline, and even Revenant have floated around the top three, but Pathfinder has remained the constant. He actually hasn’t been dethroned for a long time, especially in mid-level play. 

However, that has changed in Season 23. Well, at least for a brief moment. On November 10, some players noted that Newcastle – who actually had the lowest pick rate for a large part of Season 22 – had taken over in top-level stats. 

As per ApexLegendStatus, Newcastle had jumped up to the top with a 22.7% pick rate. This was a tick over Pathfinder’s, which had dropped to 21.6%.

“There’s nothing more broken than a Lifeline Ult, surrounding a Newcastle Wall, with a Gibraltar Dome on top,” one fan said after seeing the change. 

“His tactical needs to go back to being destructible and the ult needs to lose that stupid pylon effect that completely removes counterplay,” another added. 

However, this was a very blink-and-you-’ll-miss-it moment. As of November 11, Pathfinder has regained the edge over Newcastle, sitting with a 23.2% pick rate. The support hero has dropped down to having a 21.9% pick rate himself. 

Other fans, who have been longtime Newcastle mains, said they’re worried the dominance will lead to a nerf. “My poor boy is about to catch it. I hope they just revert what they did,” one suggested.

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