Captain Henqua’s Spoils map solution in Avowed: How to find hidden treasure

3 hours ago 3

Avowed is filled with secrets for even the most explorative players to uncover. However, climbers will also be rewarded with Captain Henqua’s Spoils treasure map, should they climb the right tower. But you’ll need to know exactly where it’s pointing to in order to get the reward.

Whether you’ve just started Avowed’s main storyline and are in the first location, or you’re revisiting the game’s unique world and clearing all the sidequests, there’s plenty you’ve likely not uncovered yet. After all, unless you dive into all the patches of water, climb every tower, or explore every cave, there’s always something you might have missed.

One such element is the treasure maps, which are either found in obscure locations or lead to even more obscure landmarks. So, whether you’ve stumbled across Captain Henqua’s Spoils treasure map or are looking to bag the Wind and Wave shield, here are all the answers you’re looking for.

Where to find Captain Henqua’s Spoils treasure map

You’ll find the Captain Henqua’s Spoils map in the Lighthouse just southwest of Paradis. If you’ve uncovered it, head to the Beacon in Claviger’s Landing and head around, or through towards the large Lighthouse. It’s hard to miss.

Once you’re there, you’ll need to climb up to the top. Simply use your parkour and skills until you reach a platform with a Skeleton on it. This Skeleton will hold the map and various materials and rewards.

If you have Kai with you, he’ll make a comment on the treasure map, giving players a small hint as to its location.

Captain Henqua’s Spoils location

The Captain Henqua’s Spoils map leads you just northwest of Paradis, near the fork in the river. The closest teleport tower is the Western Pargrun Wall Beacon.

To get there, follow the below steps:

  1. Teleport to the Western Pargrun Wall Beacon.
  2. Head along the path until you get to the fork in the river.
  3. Look for the roots, highlighted in the image above and go underwater.
  4. You’ll see a cave on your left, catch your breath and swim through it.
  5. Go back up to the surface and your rewards will be waiting.

You won’t need tons of breath when swimming through the cave and will come across a Shield, and various materials, from Pelt, Softwood, money, and Primal Wind.


Aside from the Pelt, silver, Softwood, and Primal Wind, you’ll see a Shield off to the left of the chest. This shield is Wind and Wave, a Fine Quality Unique shield (unless you’re higher level, then it will be stronger). Naturally, given it’s a Unique shield, you can’t enchant it, but you can level it up to Legendary should you choose to.

Of course, as previously mentioned, it depends on the time you grab this shield as to its power, but its common quality offers the following stats. Anything above this will be much better.

  • 39 Block Efficiency
  • 20 Stability
  • 95 Parry Efficiency
  • 13 Elemental Resistance
  • Lesser Quickness: +1-% Move Speed
  • Lesser Freeze-Proofed: +20% resistance to Frost Accumulation
Wind and Wave Shield AvowedDexerto / Obsidian

Is it any good?

While that +10% Move Speed and extra resistance is certainly useful, it isn’t the best shield in the game, especially for a Fighter, who is better off going for Nimanna’s Ward shield thanks to its increase in health.

Nevertheless, for the beginning to middle of Avowed, Wind and Wave is a great shield and will protect you comfortably, as long as you level it up. It’s not ideal for a Wizard and could help a Ranger as a secondary loadout, particularly a Stealth Ranger build, but it’s far from the best shield in the game.

So, that’s how to find Captain Henqua’s Spoils treasure in Avowed. While hunting down the Lighthouse, be sure to check out the other maps, like Practical Pockets or Dead Man’s Mail, which offers a very stylish and powerful piece of armor. Alternatively, check out our companions tier list, so you know who you need to keep around.

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