A series of devastating wildfires that began on January 7 has engulfed vast areas of Southern California, displacing thousands of resid...
A series of devastating wildfires that began on January 7 has engulfed vast areas of Southern California, displacing thousands of residents, including many well-known celebrities. Fires such as the Eaton Fire, Woodley Fire, Hurst Fire, and Kenneth Fire have wreaked havoc, destroying homes and forcing emergency evacuations across Los Angeles and its surrounding areas. Here’s a look at how these fires have impacted celebrities and what they’ve shared about their experiences.
Celebrities and Their Stories
Julia Louis-Dreyfus
The actress's Palisades home was demolished in the fires. Reps for Julia have yet to comment.
Milo Ventimiglia
The This Is Us star returned to his burned-out home with CBS Evening News, expressing the emotional weight of the experience. “Wife and baby are most important,” he shared, emphasizing his gratitude for his family's safety.
Mel Gibson
While filming in Austin, Mel Gibson’s home was consumed by the flames. “These are only things,” he said, acknowledging the emotional loss but focusing on the safety of loved ones.
Pete Lee
Comedian Pete Lee heartbreakingly watched his home burn live on TV while in New York. He recounted the experience on The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon.
Barbara Corcoran
Shark Tank’s Barbara Corcoran lost her Malibu home, expressing her devastation for her tight-knit community, particularly the seniors who lived there.
Harvey Guillen
Actor Harvey Guillen shared a video of his destroyed home, vowing to rebuild.
Melissa Claire Egan
The Young & the Restless star revealed that her newly purchased home was reduced to rubble before she could move in.
Bryan Greenberg and Jamie Chung
The actors and parents of twins shared the loss of their home, expressing gratitude for their family's safety.
Paris Hilton
Paris Hilton posted videos of her Malibu home's remains and reflected on the memories made there. "The loss is overwhelming, but my family is safe," she shared.
Bozoma Saint John
The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills star expressed deep grief over losing her "sanctuary" home, calling the loss unimaginable.
Tina Knowles
Beyoncé’s mother described her destroyed home as her "favorite place" and thanked firefighters for their bravery.
Jhene Aiko
The singer shared that her family home was completely destroyed. “Lord have mercy,” she wrote.
Anna Faris
The Just Friends star’s representative confirmed her family’s home in Pacific Palisades was lost, though they are safe.
Kate Beckinsale
Kate Beckinsale mourned the destruction of the Pacific Palisades community, recalling cherished memories with her daughter.
Chrissy Teigen
The model and TV personality shared her evacuation process on Instagram, calling the experience surreal and frightening.
Brad Paisley and Kimberly Williams Paisley
Though no longer residents, the couple mourned the loss of their first home and the devastation to their former neighborhood.