Flipkart has introduced its 6-day Big Saving Days in India. During the ongoing sale, Kodak has revealed the most enticing deals of the season, with prices starting at Rs 5,999 and a variety of smart televisions available, including HD Ready, Full HD, 4K, and QLED TVs.
SPPL, the official brand licensee of Kodak, has announced massive discounts and offers on Kodak televisions during the Flipkart Winter Sale. The company is said to offer excellent bargains on the Kodak CA PRO, 9XPRO, and Matrix QLED series. Flipkart is giving a 10% instant discount on Kotak Mahindra cards and EMI transactions.
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According to SPPL, during the Flipkart Big Saving Days sale, Kodak’s QLED models, which are available in 43, 50, 55, 65, and 75-inch sizes, would start at Rs 20999. These models have a 4K QLED display with 1.1 billion colours, Dolby Atmos, Dolby Vision, HDR 10+, DTS TruSurround for enhanced sound quality, 2GB of RAM, and 16GB of internal storage.
The KODAK 9XPRO Series is powered by Android 11, which includes an ARM Cortex A554 REALTEK processor, DOLBY DIGITAL sound, a 30W speaker output, and built-in Netflix, Google Assistant, Chromecast, Bluetooth 5.0, 1GB RAM, and 8GB ROM. The price of the 32-inch model would be Rs 9,999.
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Some of the models that Kodak TV provides at discounted pricing includes 32HDX7XPRO, 32HDX900S, 32MT5077, 40SE5001BL, 409X5061, 40SE5003BL, 439X5081, 43MT5055, 43UHDX7XPROBL, 50CAPROGT5012, 50MT5011, 50UHDX7XPROBL, 55CAPROGT5014, 65MT5033, 75MT5044, and 43SE5004BL.
List of Kodak HD LED TVs on Sale:
Model ID | Actual Price | Sale Price |
24SE5002 | 6499 | 5999 |
329X5051 | 10499 | 9999 |
32HDX7XPRO | 9999 | 9999 |
32HDX900s | 8499 | 8499 |
32SE5001BL | 8499 | 8299 |
409X5061 | 15499 | 14999 |
43SE5004BL | 14999 | 14499 |
439X5081 | 16999 | 16499 |
43MT5055 | 21999 | 20999 |
50CAPROGT5012 | 26999 | 25999 |
50MT5011 | 28999 | 27999 |
55MT5022 | 31499 | 30999 |
65MT5033 | 43999 | 42999 |
75MT5044 | 69999 | 69999 |