Samsung has launched the Galaxy S25 series in the Indian as well as global market. And the lineup consists of three phones – Samsung Galaxy S25 Ultra, Samsung S25 Plus, and Samsung Galaxy S25. The event ended with a bang as the South Korean giant has teased the Samsung Galaxy Edge. Apart from the devices, the Galaxy AI also gathered a lot of eyeballs and why not, the additions it is bringing to the new flagship series are more than commendable.
Galaxy AI features to look out for
Enhanced Circle To Search: Yes, you read that right, Galaxy AI has induced the popular Circle to Search feature with more power. Now, it will be able to address numbers, emails, web pages, and a lot more. The AI will allow you to quickly perform action on the mentioned elements.
Audio Eraser: This feature is going to serve as a boon for all the adventurers who love to record their videos but are irritated with all the background noises that come into play. With the Audio Eraser feature, the users will be able to mute different noises in the video once it auto-identifies the noise source.
Writing and Drawing assist: The Galaxy AI also brings Writing Assist and Drawing Assist. With the writing assist feature, users will be able to imply it anywhere and on any of the third party applications to change the tone of their message. And the best part is that the feature also has the ability to translate page content and even create something new with the help of basic prompts. As for the Drawing assist, people will be able to bring their sketches to life in a jiffy. The sketch to image feature is something that will surely attract the masses.
Now Bar: This is something and could be dubbed the most important feature out of all. With the Now Bar, the users will be able to get all the data based on their daily requirements at one place. Whether it be the scores of your favorite team’s football match, your sleep data, or a list of upcoming events, the now bar got you covered.
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