Horoscopes today - Russell Grant's star sign forecast for Saturday, November 9

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TODAY'S horoscope has one star sign keeping things low-key while another has communication problems. What else can you expect? Russell Grant shares his analysis

Couple embracing the zodiac

Couple embracing the zodiac (Image: Getty)


Finding yourself in the spotlight will draw attention to your activities and opinions. People are interested in what you have to say. If you’re in a position of influence, choose your words carefully. Put your points across with tact and be sure not to abuse the trust others are placing in you.


You aren’t sure of the reason why but you might notice your partner is being strangely quiet or non-committal. By keeping things low-key they are more likely to come out of this mood faster and the sooner your relationship will get back to normal.


Mix-ups in communication, both at home and in the workplace are likely. This is just a temporary state of affairs that can be kept to a minimum by verifying important messages and listening carefully to what other people are saying. Be sure, too, to make your own intentions clear.


Turn your attention to that list of tasks, chores and responsibilities that have been piling up. They’ve been neglected because you’ve been trying to fit too much into your schedule. Somehow commitments have increased without you really noticing. By tonight you will have everything under control.


You have some difficult choices to make. This is pushing you to your limits and making you act in ways that aren’t typical for you. Lessons learned in your childhood or the influence of an older person in your life have shaped your perspective. Now you need to work out what truly resonates with you.


Regardless of whether you are single or in a relationship, the temptation to flirt with someone new will be quite tempting. What may seem like harmless fun to you could be viewed differently by someone else. It’s worth considering the potential outcomes before you decide to take that chance.

Signs of the zodiac

Signs of the zodiac (Image: Getty)


Being responsible for someone else’s possessions can put you in a quandary when items get lost or broken. In order to avoid such hassles, leave other people to look after their own affairs. A text message or email will have something to do with money.


It’s pointless arguing with a friend who isn’t open to new ideas. If you’re talking to a relative who has a habit of rejecting suggestions initially but then later changes their mind, just share your plans and ideas briefly then move the conversation to another topic. This approach will allow them some time to reflect.


Some people will accuse you of being too extravagant or ambitious when ideas for the future are discussed. These will not represent everyone’s viewpoint as not all opinions are the same. You will receive support from others so be choosy about the people you spend your time with.

Hands clasping the zodiac

Hands clasping the zodiac (Image: Getty)

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Once again, you are caught in a situation where evidence points one way yet your intuition is nudging you in another direction. It might be embarrassing to have to admit your original plans haven’t worked out but do so, anyway. They will gradually see how right you are.


If you feel someone isn’t being completely honest about the cost of an event, project or upcoming trip, listen to your intuition. There may be some important details that are missing. It could be that others are mistaken without realising it but either way, dig deeper and ask questions.


You’re about to discover the reason behind why someone close to you has been discouraging a particular friendship. Once you learn the details, you will not only understand why they have been worried but you will be taking a closer look at your relationship with a questionable character.

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