Find out how to reach Lord in Marvel Rivals so you can unlock nifty rewards that you can show off to other players.
Marvel Rivals has plenty of different rewards to keep players excited. Not just the ones from the limited-time Jeff event, but also cosmetics that you can actually earn just by playing the game regardless of the time.
Some of these rewards allow you to show off your rank. But if you’re looking for ones that can signal your extraordinary skills to other players, you’ll want to know how to get Lord.
In the game, Lord refers to both a Proficiency level and an icon. This overall system can be quite confusing, so here’s everything you need to know about it.
Lord icons explained
Each character has their own unique Lord icon.
The Lord icon is essentially an avatar that replaces the normal icon for the hero on the scoreboard. Unlike the original icon, a character’s Lord icon looks a lot more vibrant and has a different angle, which makes it really stand out from the others and is noticeable even at first glance.
Using this icon doesn’t give you any advantages in terms of in-game stats, but it’s a great way to show other players that you’ve put some serious hours on the character you’re playing.
How to unlock Lord icons in Marvel Rivals
Adam Warlock’s Proficiency tab in-game.
Marvel Rivals has a character progression mechanic, allowing you to level up heroes and earn various rewards in the process – Lord being the highest level out of all.
Players will have to grind games and complete proficiency milestones using a character to reach Lord. Upon reaching this Proficiency, they will unlock the special icon for that character. The way this works is different for each character, however.
For example, a Duelist would have to deal a certain amount of damage, while a Strategist is more focused on dishing out healing and assisting allies. It all depends on the hero, and there are multiple ones players can complete.
One thing for sure is that all these proficiency missions are repeatable, so you won’t have to worry about having to constantly be in the loop of what to do next.
Tips to reach Lord
The easiest and most straightforward way to reach Lord is to play heroes you’re comfortable with. If you’re the type to play it safe by dealing damage in the backline, you’ll most likely love Hawkeye or Black Widow.
Meanwhile, if you prefer to support your team by giving them heals and debuffing enemies, Mantis and Cloak and Dagger are great picks – though it’s all up to your playstyle at the end of the day. Of course, it’s a lot easier to reach Lord if you just stick to playing on one character to level up your progression.
Additionally, regardless of your character, the key to racking up your stats for the progression is to stay alive as much as possible. This means you’ll have to understand when to initiate with your team, use your ultimate, or fall back to safety.
Don’t forget to use Pings in the communication wheel if you’re not a fan of talking in voice chat, as this can help you coordinate better with your teammates.
All Proficiency levels & rewards
All Proficiency rewards for Iron Fist.
It’s worth noting that in addition to the unique icon, you’ll also obtain sprays and a character-specific K.O. animation during the process, making the grind worth it.
Below is a list of all the Proficiencies for all characters and the rewards you can unlock at every level.
To check your progress, simply go to the Heroes tab in the main menu, and select the hero you’re currently trying to level up. From here, head to the Proficiency tab on the far right and you’ll see the list of all the challenges and how much left you’ll need to level up.
That’s how you can reach Lord in Marvel Rivals and unlock the icon as a reward. Now that you know how to do so, check out everything coming in Season 1, which is set to bring new characters, buffs and nerfs, and FPS boost.