There are few awards left for Leonardo DiCaprio to win in the acting world. The actor has become a reference in Hollywood and has carved out a career thanks to his first role in Titanic. After so many years in the film industry, there are few surprises that can still amaze the actor, although in one of his latest films he refused one of the keys to his role
In 'Don't Look Up', Leonardo DiCaprio shared the screen with Meryl Streep. Possibly, when young Leo was beginning his foray into acting, the female star of the moment was the 'Mamma Mia' actress. For this reason, the actor has always considered her as an idol of his childhood. And for that reason, he refused to see her nude in the Netflix film.
Leonardo DiCaprio and Meryl Streep: how to avoid the nudity of an idol
His impression was such when reading the script that he even consulted with the director of the film, Adam McKay, if that scene was necessary. "You know who had a problem with that? Leo. Leo just sees Meryl as film royalty... although maybe royalty is not the right term... rather as a very special figure in the history of cinema," the director told The Guardian.
"He didn't like seeing her with the tattoo on her lower back, walking around naked for a second. He said something like, 'Do you really need to show that?' I said, 'It's not Meryl Streep, it's President Orlean.' Finally, the scene that DiCaprio had been reluctant to shoot was part of the final cut of the film
The most bizarre thing is that this was not the first time Leonardo DiCaprio and Meryl Streep had worked together. The two had already shared the screen in 'Marvin's Room', a film from the 1990s, but they did not have to witness each other's nudity.