The Indian online travel company MakeMyTrip has announced an interesting feature for its users in India. The company has announced a Part Payment Feature for international flight booking. The feature is launched to facilitate payment options for users more readily. The feature will allow users to book international flights by only paying 10% to 40% of the total fare. This will not only save people from the early maximum transactions but also allow them to pay before their travel booking. In addition, travelers can so pay the remaining balance within 45 days of the booking.
What’s This Feature is All About:
The feature will not apply any additional charges and will help travelers book their flights on the minimum payment option. However, the exact percentage of the payment will be based on several factors including which travel sector the airline belongs to and the advance purchase window.
MakeMyTrip said in its official statement, “This industry-first feature addresses a common pain point for travelers, particularly larger families or groups, who may find it challenging to pay the entire ticket amount upfront when booking an international flight. Users opting for the part payment option can modify their confirmed bookings after completing the full payment as per fare rules.”
The feature is introduced to mainly benefit families who are traveling in larger groups by easing the full payment option at the time of booking, majorly on international flight. Additionally, the feature also includes Zero Cancellation which will help you cancel your tickets in case of any unforeseen event. The tech giant has also introduced a Fare Lock feature allowing travelers to lock their flight bookings at smaller fees. This will secure the flight booking fare for at least 4 hours to 15 days.
The company is also offering flexibility and convenience of the Free Date Change feature which will help travelers to reschedule their flights up to two hours before departure.
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