Former Love Island star Maura Higgins has been making waves in the jungle after her trip to Las Vegas, likening her initial days in Australia to scenes from the movie The Hangover. However, since joining I'm A Celeb as a latecomer alongside Reverend Richard Coles, the 34 year old has had viewers in fits of laughter with her amusing revenge stories, creative use of expletives and dramatic screams of fear.
In an exclusive interview, Maura's best mate Danika O'Connor, who resides near Maura's childhood home in County Longford, Ireland, claims that audiences are finally seeing the "real Maura". On why her pal agreed to take part, Danika told OK!: "Because she’s in such a good headspace and it’s such an iconic show. I think she hoped it would be a chance to show people the real Maura, the one all her friends and family see."
Dave Benett/Getty Images for GUESS)Hi, Danika! What’s it like watching Maura get stuck into jungle life?
Amazing, but very emotional. It seems to be a really nice group and Maura’s totally gelled, like she’s lived there all her life!
What did she say to you about the show beforehand?
She sat down and told me and her mammy Sharon. It was a total shock. But I knew she’d be amazing because she’s so much stronger than she thinks, and she’s proving me right.
ITV/REX/Shutterstock)What do you think is the biggest misconception about her?
People probably think she’s a girlie girl, who likes to be glamorous and never get her nails dirty! But that’s far from the truth. She dives into everything thrown her way, whatever it is.
What have been your favourite Maura moments so far?
When she was walking in on the bridge with the Reverend and said, ‘‘Jesus Christ! Oh, sorry, Father.” It really made me laugh. And in the trial with Jane [Moore] when she said, “It’s A for a**ehole”!
Was there any talk about sneaking any contraband into the camp?
Oh, definitely not. She’d never do that, she’d be terrified in case she got caught and had to deal with the consequences in the jungle. Surprisingly, she likes to stick to the rules!
ITV/REX/Shutterstock)What’s your funniest childhood memory of Maura?
We’d spend every single evening after school together, and Maura absolutely loves horror films and I hate them. One night, she made me watch The Grudge. I was freaking out, and had my hands over my eyes. Maura thought this was hilarious so, after the film, I was sitting on a chair at the table and Maura turns off all the lights, stands at her kitchen door, puts all her hair in front of her face, and starts walking across the floor to me at the kitchen table with a lighter under her face. I was petrified! When I think back, I can laugh about it. We still talk about that.
Has she always been so outspoken when it comes to toilet functions?
Oh, 100%! Maura’s always been like that and she’s got no filter sometimes. It’s honestly hilarious. I think that’s why so many people have fallen in love with her. She can turn a bathroom mishap into pure comedy gold.
ITV/REX/Shutterstock)Who do you think she is vibing with the most?
I think she’s getting on with everybody, she’s that type of person, but she seems to be building a really nice friendship with Tulisa. And also Barry [McGuigan]. When they did the bus trial, he helped her the whole way through. I haven’t noticed her not getting on with anyone – if she has a problem with someone, she’ll tell them to their face, clear the air and move on. She’s not someone to hold a grudge.
Do you think she has what it takes to win?
Yes, 100% – and it would mean the world to her. She’d have overcome her fears of sleeping in an actual jungle, getting into small spaces with spiders and all sorts of other craziness.
ITV/REX/Shutterstock)What do you think she’d like to do next?
Maura’s very ambitious and always puts her all into whatever she puts her mind to. As we’ve seen, she’s got such a bright, fun personality so I think she’d do well with more TV work. Whether it’s another show, hosting, or something totally unexpected, I’m sure it’ll be exciting.
We have to ask, what’s really going on with Maura and Pete Wicks?
They’re just really good friends. Pete is supporting Maura in the jungle and she was supporting him on Strictly. It just shows what a good friend she is. She’ll be a good friend no matter what.
So she hasn’t told you she loves him?
No, definitely not!