A woman claiming she has the "smartest cat in the world" has captivated users on TikTok.
Jennifer from Northern Ireland told users that her black cat named Sky sits on the sidewalk just before 3 p.m. every day without fail. The reason? Sky is waiting for her owner's kids to come home from school.
The video's text overlay reads in part: "When your cat collects your kids from school. I have the smartest cat in the world."
"I don't know if she sees the cars going on, and that's how she knows the time, but this is hand on heart, every single day at five to 3, she sits there waiting for them," the mom of three said in her clip, which was posted in late October.
Jennifer, 33, told Newsweek that she'd noticed Sky's daily ritual when she was around 1 years old. Now she's almost 4 and Jennifer can't put her finger on how her cat knows the time when school's out.
"The only thing I can think of in regard to time, is she recognizes the change in traffic as cars start to come from 14:45," Jennifer said. She captioned her clip, which has over 112,000 views, "Smart cat alert."
While there's no scientific evidence to suggest that black cats are inherently more intelligent than other breeds, they have been noted for certain traits that may give the impression of higher intelligence.
Some owners and experts observe that black cats can be particularly adaptable, friendly and perceptive. These qualities might contribute to behaviors that seem smart such as waiting for their owners' children to finish school, like Sky.
When her children spot Sky, they'll run over to her, and she'll walk down in the street. In another video on Jennifer's TikTok profile (@jencampbellxo), Sky has also assisted her owner by "taking" the kids to school by walking on the sidewalk behind them once they're out the door.
"Like, is that not mad, people?" Jennifer ends her video.
Many other users, meanwhile, commented on Jennifer's clip with their own stories of dedicated pets.
"My cat met me off the train at all different times during uni days," one TikTok user wrote.
"Mine used to walk her to nursery down the road and wait for 4 hours outside... til she came home," another posted.
"Me and my 3 kids were shocked by the video going viral, and hearing so many other stories from other TikTok users," Jennifer told Newsweek.
Do you have funny and adorable videos or pictures of your pet you want to share? Send them to life@newsweek.com with some details about your best friend, and they could appear in our Pet of the Week lineup.