Mom Tries to Say Nightly Prayers, Toddler Takes It 'Off the Rails'

2 months ago 16

A baby from Arizona is going viral for sabotaging a nightly prayer ritual led by her mom.

Jalen Rose, 29, caught the moment on camera by accident and posted the hilarious clip on TikTok, causing hysterics among users.

"I set my phone up to record because her dad was traveling for work that week and she typically says a sweet prayer for him; I wanted him to be able to hear what she said," Rose told Newsweek.

Nightly prayers
Jalen Rose holds Dixie Rose in the viral video. The mom wanted to send her husband a video of their daughter saying a sweet prayer when things went south. @jalenelexis

Her baby, Dixie Rose, had other plans. In the clip, which has been viewed almost 1 million times, the 23-month-old begins by sending prayers to her two teachers, both named Chelsea, and a few classmates—Camden, Louie, Eastham and Sloane.

Then, the nightly prayers go off the rails. "Instead, she named nearly all of her classmates and started singing 'Apples and Bananas'—a song one of her toys plays," said Jalen Rose.

The mom, from Scottsdale, Arizona, goes along with it at first and then tries to get things back on track. "OK, let's say our prayers," she says, but Dixie Rose cuts her off. "I like when mommy sings 'Apples and Bananas,'" she replies.

"I know, baby, I like singing it with you, too. OK, we're going to say our prayers. Dear God," Jalen says in the video.

The 23-month-old then spots something else she would like to bring up in the prayer session: her mom's boogers. "Bye, boogers," she says sweetly.

Referring to her daughter's antics, Jalen Rose captioned the clip: "A reminder to everyone to pray for apples and bananas."

As well as hundreds of thousands of views, Jalen Rose's clip clocked up thousands of comments.

Many users couldn't get enough of Dixie Rose's pure and sweet personality. "That's why my apples and banana were tasting extra good today! They were blessed in abundance," one user wrote.

"God said, 'Oh we got a remix'," one user posted. Another TikTok user shared that they have just started saying prayers with their 2-year-old. "He says God bless Grandma at least five times over everyone else," they added.

Others shared stories of their nighttime prayers with their children. One user wrote that their son thanks God for making ice cream. Another reassured Jalen Rose and commented that she goes off track, too. "She is nothing if not relatable," she replied.

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