Realme will soon launch a Realme 14 Pro Series in India. The company has not yet revealed the exact launch date but ahead of the official release Realme 14 Pro 5G Series camera features have been teased. As per the firm the upcoming phone will feature a triple rear camera setup featuring a 50-megapixel primary sensor. In addition to this it will also have AI Ultra Clarity 2.0 and more features.
The Realme 14 Pro Series is going to include the Realme 14 Pro 5G and Realme 14 Pro+ 5G. The company has not yet announced the launch date, but it is expected to debut in India in the second week of January. The company recently revealed the design and chipset information of the next phone. Now it has disclosed the camera specifications of the Realme 14 Pro 5G series.
Realme has announced that its 14 Pro 5G phones would include triple rear cameras: a 50-megapixel Sony IMX896 primary sensor, an 8-megapixel ultrawide shooter, and a 1/2-inch 50-megapixel Sony IMX882 sensor with a telephoto lens.
The Sony IMX882 50MP OIS triple-reflection periscope telephoto lens provides a 120X super zoom while lowering camera weight by 31% and volume by 20%. It has a huge 1/2″ sensor, DSLR-level ultra-clarity, 3X optical zoom, 6X lossless zoom, and 120X super zoom to capture distant scenes in clarity and detail. The Sony IMX896 50MP OIS Main Camera, with a wide aperture of F/1.88, provides excellent image quality and Optical Image Stabilisation for sharp photos even in low light.
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The realme 14 Pro Series 5G is confirmed to include the MagicGlow Triple Flash system, a portable professional lighting solution with adjustable brightness and colour temperature.
The realme 14 Pro Series 5G will feature advanced AI technology, such as AI Ultra Clarity 2.0, which gives ultra-clear imaging in a variety of circumstances. This technology minimises blurriness in telephoto photographs and online images, representing a major advance over prior versions. The AI HyperRAW Algorithm reconstructs light and shadow interactions using advanced HDR processing, resulting in realistic depth and artistically appealing images. The industry’s only RAW domain AI noise reduction enhances clarity and brightness while retaining fine details. The AI Snap Mode, adopted from the realme GT7 Pro, catches fast-moving subjects with precision and vibrancy, allowing users to take clear and colourful images in any setting.
The realme 14 Pro Series 5G will have an Ocean Oculus triple camera setup with polished deco gradient elements to improve its aesthetic appeal. It includes the MagicGlow Triple Flash system, five brightness levels, and a super brightness option for professional-grade shooting in difficult lighting conditions.
Realme had previously revealed that the Realme 14 Pro 5G series will be powered by Snapdragon 7s Gen 3 chipsets and feature 6,000mAh batteries. The smartphones will have quad-curved 1.5K AMOLED panels with 1.6mm bezels, a 42-degree curvature, a screen-to-body ratio of 93.8%, and a PWM dimming rate of 3,840Hz. Finally, they will be IP66, IP68, and IP69 rated for water and dust resistance, as well as TÜV Rheinland certified for accidental drop protection.
The phones will be available in Pearl White, Suede Grey, and Vibrant Blue. They will be available for purchase through Flipkart and the Realme India e-store.