The heartbreaking story of a German shepherd who was abandoned two days before Christmas has left the internet in tears.
It's thought that Tyson, a 1-year-old German shepherd, was abandoned on December 23, left to fend for himself in freezing conditions. After several days, he was taken to Leitrim Animal Welfare in Ireland on January 3, severely underweight and very uncomfortable.
Megan Gaffney, the manager at the animal rescue center, told Newsweek they believe Tyson was "neglected for quite some time" as complications like his "don't happen overnight."
Not only was Tyson malnourished, but his tail was broken and his fur was incredibly matted. He will need to undergo X-ray scans to learn the extent of his condition, but needs to gain more weight before it's safe to give him anaesthetic.
"When Tyson came to us, he was severely underweight, matted, and clearly uncomfortable. His coat was in such poor condition that it required professional grooming," Gaffney said.
Help was kindly offered by pet groomer Seana Cuffe, who saw Tyson's story on social media and immediately wanted to help.
Cuffe, owner of Seana Canine Stylist, cleared her afternoon schedule and made sure Tyson would be the only dog in her salon—barring her resident toy poodle, Sushi. She spent over 3 hours grooming Tyson, telling Newsweek that she had to shampoo him seven times before the water started to look clean.
"I was expecting him to arrive and be absolutely terrified after the neglect he has endured in his short life," Cuffe said. "But he's the sweetest, most loving boy. He seemed grateful to be inside a warm salon with lots of beds to choose from.
She continued: "He was struggling to walk, and as a groomer of 12 years, my eye was drawn to the severe matting. His coat was clumped together with dirt and matting."
Tyson received a bath with medical shampoo and then had a blueberry facial with a massage. Cuffe said he "absolutely loved" it and was even falling asleep as he was so relaxed. Once that was done, he had a conditioning treatment and was then dried with the hairdryer.
"I gave him a break and he went to find a bed. I spent a long time brushing to remove the matting in his undercoat. He fell asleep on the table and was giving me lots of kisses throughout," Cuffe told Newsweek.
Tyson is certainly in good hands at the Leitrim Animal Welfare, but Cuffe felt compelled to offer her expertise. On December 7, her 17-year-old husky, named Lady, sadly went missing and Cuffe is still searching for her. When she saw Tyson's story, she felt drawn to him and knew she needed to help.
The animal shelter supported her after Lady went missing, and now she's doing what she can to return the favor. She hopes to help more rescue dogs and even teach staff at the shelter some tips to help the animals.
Cuffe said: "I instantly fell in love with Tyson and I'm so glad I offered to do the grooming. I wanted to take him home as he healed the hole that Lady left in my heart. This dog has so much love to give and will make someone very happy."
As much as she'd have loved to take Tyson home, Cuffe already has two male dogs and believes that could be intimidating for him.
She shared a video of the rescue pup on her TikTok (@seanacaninestylist.20), with a message to whoever abandoned him. The caption layered over the video read: "You're missing out on the most beautiful soul. How could you dump him and leave him to fend for himself?"
The clip went viral with 169,900 views and 22,200 likes in a matter of days.
Cuffe has been inundated with support on social media, which she says has restored her "faith in people." She hopes the attention can help Tyson find his forever home.
What Next for Tyson?
Gaffney says Tyson is doing much better after a couple of weeks of care at the shelter, receiving specialized food, pain medication, and vitamins. He is sharing a kennel with Lucy, a neglected Saint Bernard and they've become wonderful companions who have helped each other feel safe.
He has a long recovery ahead, but Gaffney hopes that one day he'll find the perfect owner to give him the life he deserves.
She told Newsweek: "Tyson will need a stable home that's experienced with handling dogs with medical needs. His care will likely come with ups and downs, so we're looking for someone who can manage his health issues with patience and love.
"Tyson deserved a better start in life, and we hope this will encourage people to support responsible breeding. If someone is considering buying a dog from a breeder, we hope they'll think of Tyson's story and make sure they meet the parent dogs and ensure they're bred ethically," Gaffney continued.
How Did TikTok React?
In the days since Cuffe shared her TikTok video about Tyson, it has already amassed over 300 comments.
One comment reads: "You are an amazing human to give him so much love that he deserves."
Another TikTok user wrote: "How could anyone be so cruel?"
Another person added: "He's adorable. My heart! This poor baby deserves such a loving family."
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