Acto Ron Ely, best known for his leading role in the television show "Tarzan", a project that captivated the world during the 1960s, has passed away as it was Kristen, one of his daughters who made the announcement.
Ely died at the age of 86 on September 29, but until this Wednesday his daughter shared the news on her official Instagram account, where as a tribute she mentioned what happened to her father, who she remembered as one of the best actors in Hollywood.
Kristen did not reveal the exact causes of Ron Ely's death, but it is known that his health had worsened a few years and more due to the tragic scene where his wife was murdered by his own son as he and the family faced these situations throughout this time.
A very recognized actor in his time
Ron Ely triumphed in the 1960s in the NBC series "Tarzan" back in 1966. His appearance as a strong and handsome man managed to convince the audience who remained faithful to the television project.
It should be noted that he also played the main role in the 1975 film "Doc Savage: Man of Bronze." But Ron Ely's acting career ended in 2001 when he decided it was time to spend time with his children and family.
However, he did receive new projects to participate in, he discarded them because he was committed to resting and enjoying life. He will always be remembered as the first ever Tarzan.