Samsung Galaxy S25 series rumors have been circulating for quite some time. The smartphone series is expected to be launched in Galaxy Unpacked 2025. The series includes Galaxy S25, Galaxy S25 Plus, and Galaxy S25 Ultra. However, there’s a new smartphone in the works that’s going to be released in the upcoming months of 2025. The smartphone is expected to be dubbed as Galaxy S25 Slim. Now new reports claim that the flagship device is expected to be launched in May 2025.
Initially, the reports revealed that all phones in the series would launch simultaneously, but a new report indicates that the Galaxy S25 Slim would not be a part of the initial launch. The company might debut the S25 Slim in the coming months of 2025. As per new reports, the company’s rumored S25 Slim will run on the company’s latest One UI 7 beta operating system. If that’s the case, then the upcoming flagship smartphone would offer a seamless and intuitive user experience.
Chinese microblogging user Setsuna Digital has revealed that the company can bring the Samsung Galaxy S25 Slim model in May 2025. At present, the tipster has not clarified whether the phone will be launched in May or its sale will start.
However, the exact specifications and features of the series are still under wraps, the anticipation keeps on building up for the launch event. The company has not yet revealed any features and price of the Galaxy S25 series, but as per reports, it could be launched in the same price range as Galaxy S24 in India.
Galaxy S24 is powered by Snapdragon 8 Gen 3, and if reports are to be believed the Galaxy S25 will be powered by Snapdragon 8 Elite chipset; Which means Samsung could increase the price of the Galaxy S25 series. The phone can have a 200MP primary camera for photography. Along with this, there will be a 50MP ultra-wide sensor and a 50MP telephoto sensor. The battery of the phone will be between 4700mAh to 5000mAh.
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