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Arnold Schwarzenegger is a Los Angeleno through and through.
The action movie star recently shared a post on his Instagram where he promised to donate $1 million of his own money to some organizations helping victims of the ongoing Los Angeles wildfires. The 77-year-old's post, uploaded on Tuesday, January 21, showed an image of a shirt that says "L.A. Strong" in red letters with his likeness under it, accompanied by a caption where the actor explained his intentions to help his fellow Los Angeles residents.
"A lot of my fans have asked me how they can help LA," before adding, "I'm going to lead the way. I'm sending a million dollars of my own money, split between @lafdfoundation, @cafirefound, and @habitatla."
Later in the caption, the Predator star admitted, "I don't like when companies or rich people ask their fans to make their donations for them." He then went on to tell his fans how they can help by buying one of the shirts he had "his team" design and specified that "100% of the profits will go to" the organizations he mentioned earlier in the caption.
The seven-time Mr. Olympia champion also joked that his fans may be able to recognize the shirt he's selling and wrote, "It's based on an LA classic, the knock-off version of me they sell to tourists on the Venice boardwalk," before he added, "except I can use my image."
Schwarzenegger, who has been a long-time resident of the Brentwood neighborhood of Los Angeles, is no stranger to performing charitable acts. He was most recently interviewed by Fox 11 in a clip uploaded to YouTube on November 26, 2024, in which the actor was volunteering at an East L.A. youth center, donating turkeys on Thanksgiving Day, and telling the outlet, "Giving back is, to me, everything."
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