Though the news was almost missed amid the hullabaloo of the 2025 Golden Globe Awards red carpet, Zendaya subtly revealed her engagement to Tom Holland last weekend when she arrived wearing a ginormous engagement ring. Neither she nor Holland has confirmed the betrothment, but sources close to the couple have, including none other than the Spiderman actor’s father, Dominic Holland.
Taking to his Patreon blog, the English actor-turned-writer delighted fans with a glimpse into the proposal. “The big news this week,” he teased, “is a perfect example of why some of you follow me. Zendaya wearing a ring and Tom nowhere to be seen—it’s like a scene from one of those movies Tom loves so much.”
He then painted a picture of his eldest son’s gesture, noting Holland’s meticulous preparation. From gaining her parents’ blessing to selecting the perfect ring, he knew precisely how to romance his Challengers star girlfriend.
“He had everything planned,” wrote Dominic. “When, where, how, what to say, what to wear—he thought of it all. Clearly, the boy has been taking notes from Hollywood’s best love stories.”
He then jokes about the stark contrast to his own proposal to Tom’s mother, Nikki.
“Let’s just say I was far less prepared,” he quipped.
He concluded with a reflection on fame and love, sharing his confidence in the connection between Tom and Zendaya, both 28, who have been dating since 2021.
“I do fret about the spotlight they live under,” he admitted. “But they constantly amaze me with their grace. Show business is littered with doomed romances, yet I’m confident Tom and Zendaya are built to last.”