This year, WhatsApp is going to focus on a lot of things and bring new years that will revolutionise the platform. Latest reports shared by WABetaInfo suggested that the Meta-owned platform is working on a new AI-based feature that will introduce Artificial Intelligence characters in the application.
The new feature will be pretty identical to the AI character creation feature that is already available on Messenger and Instagram. Apart from that, WABetaInfo also claimed that the users will be able to describe their personality traits along with the focus area. Apart from the, the users can also generate a profile picture and bio for these AI characters.
WhatsApp for Android’s AI characters
WABetaInfo reported that the AI character creation feature was spotted in the Android beta update. As of now, the feature is under development and it is currently not available for the beta testers as well. The firm also spotted a distinct tab for AI characters in WhatsApp beta for Android update.
According to the screenshots, the AI character creation feature appears to be identical to what we get to see in other Meta-owned applications. The feature also uses AI Studio to allow the users to create AI characters that can either be fresh or based on any existing template. As seen in the screenshot, the users can type up to 1000 characters to describe the personality traits of the chatbot.
WhatsApp also added description suggestions to help the users get a point where they can start. The procedure to build the AI character on WhatsApp looks pretty similar to what happens on Instagram. There are also chances that WhatsApp may offer a dedicated space for the AI characters by offering a new tab. As of now, there is no update related to the official launch of the feature. However, expectations are that we will get to know more about the same once WhatsApp beta gets the feature.
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