The Xiaomi Sound Outdoor Speaker today made its debut in India today. The audio device launched alongside the Redmi Note 14 Series. The device offers a surround sound experience and offers 12-hour music playback with a 2,600mAh battery. The speaker offers 30W output and dual large subwoofer radiators. Along with Bluetooth 5.4, the Xiaomi speaker is rated IP67 against dust and water ingress.
Xiaomi Sound Outdoor Speaker Price in India, Sale Details
The price of the Xiaomi Sound Outdoor Speaker in India is set at Rs 3,999. The device will be available in multiple colour options of red, blue and black. The speaker will be available for purchase via, Flipkart, and Xiaomi Retail stores in the country starting December 13.
Also Read: Redmi Note 14 Series officially debuted in India: Price in India, Specifications
Xiaomi Sound Outdoor Speaker Specifications, Features
Today, Xiaomi launched the Sound Outdoor Speaker in India. The Bluetooth speaker features two massive subwoofer radiators on both sides. With Dynamic Woofer Extension, the dual large subwoofers can stretch beyond the constricted location, delivering rich bass. The audio device can provide a maximum output of 30W. Furthermore, the Smart Volume Balancing feature regulates the music volume based on a variety of factors. While the Dynamic Equilibrium feature claims to automatically equalise various frequency components. The Sound Outdoor Speaker has IP67 protection against dust and water intrusion.
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Two Sound Outdoor Speaker units can be paired for a surround sound experience thanks to the speaker’s Bluetooth 5.4 connectivity and stereo pairing capabilities. Furthermore, it has SpeakerSync built in, which lets users connect up to 100 speakers. With a single charge, its 2,600mAh lithium-ion battery is said to provide up to 12 hours of audio playback.
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Komila Singh
Komila is one of the most spirited tech writers at Gadget Bridge and is a senior resource in the company. Always up for a new challenge, she is an expert at dissecting technology and getting to its core. She loves to tinker with new mobile phones, tablets and headphones.