Apple made a mark in the industry with the launch of the Apple Intelligence tool the way it works has wooed users all over the globe. However, a glitch in the matrix kind of situation for Apple is giving the company nightmares. In a recent update, the Cupertino-giant has been asked to withdraw the controversial artificial intelligence feature that has generated false news notifications in multiple reported cases.
For the first time, the problem was reported by the British Broadcast Company (BBC) and they even took their complaint to Apple. And the complaint mentioned that the journalism by the publication is being represented in the wrong way. To that, Apple published the response a little late and said that the officials are working on clarifying that the summaries were AI-generated.
Apple’s blunder is inviting invitation from journalists and watchdogs
Former Editor of The Guardian Alan Rusbridger stated to BBC that Apple, at this stage, should pull the product off the market if it is not market-ready. He further mentioned that this particular tech by Apple poses a great risk of misinformation spreading all around the globe and could even create a situation of panic among the readers as well.
He concluded his statement by stating that the trust in news is already at an all-time low and it is not good if the tech giants from America start using it as a testing stage alternative. In addition, the National Union of Journalists (NUJ) has said that Apple must act swiftly and restrict Apple Intelligence to avoid spreading misinformation amongst the generic audience.
Now, Apple has a lot of pressure from multiple organizations to solve the matter as soon as they can. And if they fail to do so, then they are supposed to take down the same. It will be interesting to see how Apple moves forward to address the matter as the more they delay the problem the more attention they will invite from the watchdogs and legal authorities as well.
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