Itel Zeno 10 is expected to launch in India soon, most probably in the first week of January 2025. The company has created a dedicated microsite for the phone, revealing some of its design and key features. The upcoming Zeno 10 is a budget-friendly launch under Rs 6000. As per the listing, the smartphone could come with a stylish back panel, which is sure to turn heads. But that’s not all, the price range of the phone is also quite attractive, making it one of the best options under Rs 6000. While we have to wait for the official launch to know all the features, price, and other details of the phone, here’s what we know so far about the upcoming Itel Zeno 10:
Itel Zeno 10 Details:
The company has made the Zeno 10 phone live on a dedicated microsite on Amazon. It has been revealed through Amazon listing that this phone will be launched in India in January 2025 next year. At present, the company has not confirmed the launch date of the phone.
The company has listed the key features and price details on Amazon. As per the listing, the phone is expected to launch at an affordable price of Rs 5xxx, which roughly translates to 5999. This suggests that the final price will be under Rs 6000 making it an attractive option for budget-conscious buyers.
The company is giving Zenital design on the back of the Itel Zeno 10. Apart from this, the phone will have a dual rear camera setup for photography. Also, a large display will be given in the phone, which will have a waterdrop-style notch design for the selfie camera. A feature like a dynamic island like an iPhone can also be seen in this phone.
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