Meghan Markle had a special nickname imposed on her by bitter co-workers

3 hours ago 6

Actualizado 23/01/2025 - 15:38 CST

It comes with the territory of being a famous Hollywood star, being married to Prince Harry and having stepped down from the British Royal Family, but Meghan Markle seems to have a ton of haters. It's hard to find positive PR about Markle nowadays, with most reports coming out being overly critical of every part of her personality and life.

The main point of contention right now is Markle's work habits. Markle launched a podcast, called "Archetypes", in August of 2022. But it was canceled shortly after, just three months after it debuted. In recent months, testimonials from former co-workers of Markle have come out, and they haven't been kind. The common theme has been that Markle was a diva and overly controlling.

Meghan Markle's unsavory nickname was "Eva"

Now, a new report has come out in which a nickname for Markle was revealed. Royal correspondent Neil Sean claims the staffers called her "Eva", and there was a bad reason for it.

[The nickname] was used as a warning signal to let people know that she was either arriving or on the warpath. This wasn't an engaging pet nickname. The nickname came from the 1955 camp classic 'Queen Bee' starring the ultimate diva... she stung her victims to pieces. This is exactly how staff felt about working alongside [Markle].

According to Sean, staffers felt as if Markle was imbalanced, suffering from mood swings that made her "really difficult to deal with". They felt as if Markle treated them like they were way beneath her.

This isn't the first time this type of sentiment has come across from former co-workers of Markle's.

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