Rats and mice will be driven out of garden if you use 1 natural item that overwhelms them

1 week ago 3

Picture of mouse in a garden

Mice and rats are more likely to go into gardens this week due to the stormy weather (Image: Getty)

Rats and mice can be a nuisance as they will burrow into soil and eat any plants you have worked hard to grow, but there is a simple way to make them not want to enter your garden. 

The UK is experiencing lots of stormy cold weather this week which means rodents are more likely to risk going near humans and enter gardens to find shelter and a new food source. 

It is incredibly important to keep both rats and mice from coming onto property as they can spread disease through their urine and droppings which can contaminate soil.

However, rather than buying cruel traps or using poison which can greatly harm local wildlife, the experts at TermiGuard Pest Services have shared that planting strong-smelling flowers and herbs are a very effective way to stop these pests. 

They said: “While traps and poisons are common solutions, incorporating certain plants into your garden is a natural and eco-friendly method to deter mice. 

Picture of daffodil flowers

Daffodils are a simple way to keep rodents away due to the toxins they contain (Image: Getty)

“These plants act as natural repellents due to their scent, taste, or texture, although you may need a real mouse exterminator for serious infestations.”

Rats and mice have highly sensitive noses and while certain plants may smell pleasant to humans they can be overwhelming to rodents.

Rodents rely on their sense of smell to hunt for food and lookout for predators, but strong smelling  plants will mask these scents. 

This means mice and rats are more likely to find a garden uninhabitable if it has lots of strong-smelling plants so are more likely to move on. 

What plants to grow in your garden to keep out rodents 


Spring is almost here which means daffodils will be shooting up from the ground in gardens, but many people do not realise these beautiful flowers are very effective at keeping rodents away. 

Daffodils not only have a potent fragrance but they contain compounds which are poisonous to rats and mice, which can deter rodents from trying to eat anything else in the garden. 

Picture of lavender flowers

Lavender is highly fragrant which will irritate both rats and mice (Image: Getty)

The expert said: “The bulbs of daffodils contain lycorine, a compound that is toxic to mice. Planting daffodils around the garden can help protect other plants from being gnawed on by mice.”

It should be noted that the toxins in daffodils can also harm cats and dogs so it may be wise to grow another plant if you own any pets. 


Lavender is often considered one of the best natural plants to have in your garden to keep rodents away due to its highly fragrant scent. 

It will greatly irritate any rats or mice as well as make it more difficult for them to sniff out any other plants to eat. 

The expert said: “Renowned for its soothing and pleasant fragrance to humans, lavender is disliked by mice.

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Picture of peppermint gorwing in a garden

Peppermint will overwhelm rodents (Image: Getty)

“Its strong scent confuses their sense of smell, deterring them from entering the area. Planting lavender along garden borders or near entry points can help keep mice at bay.”


Rats and mice will also hate certain herbs and peppermint is known for its strong spicy scent that will naturally repel rodents but also works to deter flies and mosquitos.  

The expert said: “The pungent aroma overwhelms their sensitive noses, making it an excellent deterrent. Planting peppermint around the perimeter of your garden or near entry points to your home can create a fragrant barrier.”

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