The Samsung Galaxy S25 series made a global debut a few hours ago. The series has brought three new phones – Samsung Galaxy S25 Ultra, Samsung Galaxy S25 Plus, and Samsung Galaxy S25. And the company also teased the Samsung Galaxy S25 Edge which could see the light by May 2025. As of now, the Indian pricing of the smartphones have been revealed and the interested buyers can also take advantage of the pre-order benefits that are available as of now for all the devices from the series.
Samsung Galaxy S25 series pre-order benefits
The Samsung Galaxy S25 series is available now for pre-orders. and the interested customers can do the same via major online and offline retailers. Moreover, they can also directly visit the official website of Samsung to do the same. Starting with the Galaxy S25, it is available in the Indian market at a price of Rs 80,999 for the 256GB internal storage variant.
The color options for the same are Silver Shadow, Navy, Mint, and Icy Blue. Apart from that, the people who make the orders from the official Samsung website will also have three additional options including Pink Gold, Coral Red, and Blue Black. Pre-order benefits of the device go up to Rs 11,000 for an older device. Apart from that, users can also get a cashback of Rs 7,000 on 9 months no cost EMI plan.
As for the Galaxy S25+, the 256GB storage variant can be purchased for Rs 99,999. It will be available in Navy and Silver Shadow color options. While purchasing from Samsung’s website, you will get three three exclusive color options similar to the base model. Apart from that the u[grade bonus and cashback offer are same.
Now, the flagship variant, Samsung Galaxy S25 Ultra’s 256 GB variant will be available in India for Rs 1,29,999. The device will have four base color options – Titanium Black, Titanium White, Titanium Gray, and Titanium Silver Blue. All the people who purchase the device from the official Samsung website will get three additional color options – Titanium Pink Gold, Titanium Jade Green, and Titanium Jet Black. The offers for this one are also similar to the base model.
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