Samsung Galaxy S25 series rumors have been circulating for quite some time. The flagship smartphone series is expected to launch early next year. Now, a new leak suggests that the company is planning to unveil a new smartphone with a slim and sleek design dubbed as Samsung Galaxy S25 Slim in order to give tough competition to the rumored iPhone 17 Air. As per the latest reports, the launch details of the rumored S25 Slim have been revealed offering a glimpse into the company’s strategy for the flagship and premium smartphone market.
Here’s detailed information about the expected Samsung Galaxy S25 Slim and what we can expect from this upcoming device.
Samsung Galaxy S25 Slim Launch
The highly anticipated Samsung Galaxy S25 series is expected to launch on January 2025. Initially, the reports revealed that all phones in the series would launch simultaneously, but a new report indicates that the Galaxy S25 Slim would not be a part of the initial launch. The company might debut the S25 Slim in the coming months of 2025. As per new reports, the company’s rumored S25 Slim will run on the company’s latest One UI 7 beta operating system. If that’s the case, then the upcoming flagship smartphone would offer a seamless and intuitive user experience.
However, the exact specifications and features of the series are still under wraps, the anticipation keeps on building up for the launch event. A closer look at the beta version of the One UI 7 based on the Android 15 reveals a list of Samsung smartphone models that are specific to US carriers. Nevertheless, the model number for the rumored Galaxy S25 Slim is missing from the list. This omission of the model number suggests that the S25 Slim will not be part of the initial launch of the S25 series which is expected to roll out with the One UI 7.
As per previous leaks, the Galaxy S25 Slim is likely to make its debut in the second quarter of 2025; Maybe between April and June. This would position the device as a mid-year refresh, potentially offering consumers a unique alternative to the standard Galaxy S25 series. Talking about features, the Galaxy S25 Slim smartphone can have a 4700mAh or 5000mAh battery.
This smartphone is expected to have a Qualcomm Snapdragon 8 Elite SoC. For photography, a 200MP primary camera, 50MP ultra-wide angle, and 50MP telephoto lens can be found on the back side of the phone. The company can soon share other details about the launch and features of this smartphone.
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