While other telecom giants in India are slowly working on 5G, Jio is cin its own lane. Recently, Jio has announced its new tech also named as 5.5G network that can deliver a sped up to 10Gbps. The mentioned speed is something that is only an imagination for people as of now. Currently, the 5G networks in their best condition offer around 350 to 450Mbps speed. Moving forward, we will discuss the basics of 5.5G followed with its collab.
What is Jio 5.5G network and how does it work?
In simple terms, Jio 5.5G network is the boosted version of the 5G tech of Reliance Jio. The latest network offers considerable better speeds in terms of performance. It combines advanced intelligence features along with three network cells for simultaneous tower connections. With the same, all the users can enjoy download speeds of up to 10Gbps.
And the upload speed will also reach the threshold of 1Gbps. The Jio 5.5G will also offer low latency for fast-paced performance. Apart from that, users can expect to enjoy stable connections. With these advancements, Jio is focusing on making the activities like remote work, gaming, streaming, and others seamless.
Now, OnePlus 13 series, in collaboration with Jio, are going to be the first lineup of smartphones that support 5.5G service. The smartphones are specially designed to work smoothly with Jio’s advanced network. At the time of OnePlus 13 launch, Jio also showed the capabilities of 5.5G.
On standard network, the peak speed attained by Jio was 277.78Mbps. On the other hand, the enhanced speed exceeds 1014Mbps. Jio’s 5.5 technology will bring noteworthy upgrades as compared to base 5G networks. One of the best part about the 5.5G network is that it offers strong connectivity links to multiple towers.
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