It is 2025 and WhatsApp is already up to introduce a set of new features that will make the platform more interactive. The features have not been announced officially until now. But, the reports shared by WABetaInfo have confirmed that we will soon get to see a new future with which the platform will let the users to add photos to poll options. Furthermore, it is also being said that the channel owners will be able to assign a photo to each poll option.
Now, this will provide voters of the group a visual representation for every choice. And yes, if the admin adds photo to one choice then they have to add it to all the options to make sure that uniformity is not missing. The feature will be available only for channels owners in the beginning. Nonetheless, the platform could soon expand the feature to group chats and even individual conversations.
WhatsApp new features to debut pretty soon
Apart from that photo poll feature, the Meta-owned platform is also planning to let WhatsApp users create events in individual chats. Moreover, these private chat events will work similarly to the events created in group chats. All the users will be supposed to give their date, event name, and an optional description as well. After the creation of the event, the recipient can choose to accept or decline the invitation as well.
Now, the main thing to mention here is that both features are only available for the beta users of the application. Expectations are that the same will be available for the stable version of the application pretty soon, most probably by the first quarter of 2025. If you want to see how the features work then you can get the beta version of the application. However, it is suggested to all the users not to install the beta version from any third-party platform.
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