Samsung unveiled the ‘Good Sleep’ mode, which adjusts the temperature of the room based on the stages of sleep. With the help of this feature, users may pair their Galaxy Watch series with air conditioners and have the mode turn on automatically when they go to sleep. Based on the sleep cycle, REM, and NREM phases of the sleep cycle, the mode modifies the temperature within the living space. Throughout the night, the mode constantly adjusts the temperature.
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The ‘Good Sleep’ mode, which Samsung has introduced, modifies the temperature based on the stages of sleep. Users of the Galaxy Watch series can connect their air conditioners to this mode, which will turn on automatically when they go to sleep. Given that many people wake up in the middle of the night feeling cold or sweaty, the impact of ambient temperature on sleep is significant. With this mode, Samsung hopes to enhance the quality of sleep at night.
Over the course of a person’s five-stage sleep cycle—which includes three stages of NREM (Non-Rapid Eye Movement Sleep), REM (Rapid Eye Movement), and wake—the ‘Good Sleep’ mode modifies the temperature inside the room. Body temperature, eye movements, and brain wave patterns change with each stage. The cycle usually lasts approximately 90 minutes and repeats four to six times during the night. The ideal temperature for sleep varies depending on the stage of sleep.
The ‘Good Sleep’ cycle adjusts the temperature of the room according to the stages of sleep. After five minutes of falling asleep, the temperature drops, and after ninety minutes, it rises to promote deeper sleep. The air conditioner then raises the temperature to get ready for the N2 and N3 stages, which call for warmer outside temperatures because this is when blood pressure and body temperature decrease the most. To avoid the feeling of being cold, the temperature is raised by two degrees. The cycle alternates between deeper NREM sleep and lighter REM sleep. Three temperature adjustments are made during the course of the night. The temperature is kept high at the end of sleep, but there is a light wind.
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When linked to the Galaxy Watch series, customers can benefit from WindFree air conditioners’ ‘Good Sleep’ mode, which uses cold air and eliminates the need for manual adjustments. The Galaxy Watch series has options that allow the gadget to be automatically enabled and deactivated. When it senses sleep, the AI initiates a personalised process to ensure a restful night’s sleep. The air conditioner will either be turned on with the proper target temperature for “Good Sleep” if it was previously off, or it will adjust to a more pleasant sleeping temperature and turn off at the set wake-up alarm time.
Samsung is promoting ‘Good Sleep’ by giving a 42% discount on a number of WindFree air conditioners. Customers can save up to Rs 51,499, with complimentary installation valued at Rs 1499 plus taxes. The Bespoke AI WindFree AC and Galaxy Watch 7 Combo offer applies to AR60F24D13W, AR60F19D15W, AR60F19D1ZW, AR60F19D13W, and AR60F19D1XW models. The deal went live on