Serena Williams Hits Back At Accusers On A Really Touchy Subject

15 hours ago 1

Tennis great Serena Williams is now slamming critics who accused her of bleaching her skin.

Williams faced an onslaught of negative comments and allegations when a video surfaced last month that showed her at a school event for her daughter Olympia.

The retired 23-time Grand Slam singles winner offered a rebuttal Monday during a makeup tutorial for her Wyn Beauty brand on Instagram.

“I put just that neutral color, that is actually my skin color,” she said, applying makeup. “And no, for you haters out there, I do not bleach my skin. There is a thing called sunlight, and in that sunlight you get different colors.”

Williams explained that she was wearing stage makeup in the clip that went viral, which was filmed the day of Olympia’s school play.

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“I’m calling you out on this because it is ridiculous,” Williams told critics. “I’m a dark Black woman and I love who I am and I love how I look, and that’s just not my thing.”

“If people do it, that’s their thing, and they have every opportunity, and they should,” she continued. “I don’t judge, but you guys do. But that’s what this world is about.”

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