There’s nothing worse than getting to Christmas morning and realising that the new toy that you’ve bought requires batteries to be used, and you can’t seem to find a single one in the right size. To avoid Christmas Day tantrums or having to rush out to the shops on Boxing Day, Stacey Solomon has shared the genius way that she keeps her batteries organised and ready to go – with thanks to her Elf on the Shelf.
On Friday, Stacey showed off her Elf’s latest escapade, which involved packing all of her batteries into this Tanness Battery Organisation Case with Battery Tester . Available on Amazon for £23.99, Stacey’s followers commented on the Instagram story calling it an “amazing idea”.
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The battery organising case is perfect for making sure you always have batteries of all sizes to hand, and it has space for 140 different batteries in AAA, AA, 9V, C, and D sizes. Not only does it keep them organised by size, but it also keeps them safe and stops little ones from getting their hands on them.
To make sure that they’re always protected, the battery organising case has a liquid silicone coating which is waterproof and fireproof. This can withstand high temperatures, avoid water drop damage and keep batteries secure so you never need to worry about them becoming damaged.
Inside the battery organising case you’ll also find a removable battery tester, so you can make sure they’re all in working order and ready to be used inside those new toys and gadgets. The entire case zips up into a handy, easy to carry case complete with handle so you can pop it on a shelf or in a box and easily access it whenever you need it.
Stacey Solomon/Instagram)Image:
Stacey Solomon/Instagram)Amazon shoppers have also been pleased with the storage hack, with one saying: “Have a draw full of batteries that needed organising. This case sorts them nicely. couple of pockets that I put new sd cards in and coin batteries. Holds a lot of batteries of all sizes. Great idea is the battery tester that's included. Works great.”
Another added: “Nice way to keep the batteries neat and tidy and make sure you know where to find them. Holds the batteries securely but is very lightweight. The battery tester is a very useful addition.”
However one did comment: “Wish it was smaller it's far too big for our household needs. Like the battery tester.” And and another wrote: “Battery tester only works with AA Or AAA. Does NOT work for C, D or 9v (rectangular) batteries.”
Although Stacey’s go-to Tanness battery organising case is currently available on Amazon for £23.99, If you want to save some extra money before Christmas you can also snap one up in the Debenhams sale for £14.99. The Venom Battery Storage Organiser Case with Charge Tester has storage slots for up to 80 batteries of different sizes, including AA, AAA, C-Cell, D-Cell, 9V and button size. The battery tester also shows you the remaining charge on multiple cell types.