Janette Manrara has been holding the fort at home while her professional dancer husband Aljaž Škorjanec continues his daily rehearsals in preparation for impressing the Strictly Come Dancing judges each Saturday. The couple, who married seven years ago, are parents to 16-month-old daughter Lyra and while Aljaž, 34, gets as far as he can in the competition with former Love Island star Tasha Ghouri, Janette has been in full Christmas mode, as she tells OK!.
Strictly: It Takes Two co-host Janette, 41, is also using this time to raise awareness of Action For Children’s Secret Santa campaign, which is especially close to her heart because, as she tells new, she wasn’t always as fortunate as she is today…
Internet Unknown)Hi, Janette! Who gets more excited about Christmas, you or Aljaž?
Both of us. But he’s got a slightly different priority right now until 14 December. We all just want to enjoy the last few weeks and then it’s full Christmas mode.
You spent last Christmas with Aljaž’s family in Slovenia – it’s your family in Miami this year, isn’t it?
Yes, and our families do Christmas very differently. My family is loud and big, everything is red, green and gold, and the outside of the house is lit up like Santa’s home. They go crazy at Christmas every year. Aljaž’s family are more cosy and warm at Christmas. It’s softer, so it was perfect last year because Lyra was a little baby and this year she’ll get to see all the lights and all the craziness.
Tell us why you got involved in Action For Children’s Secret Santa campaign…
I feel like I’ve changed so much after becoming a mother to Lyra [born in July 2023], but I’ve always wanted to help different charities and support children. Action For Children do so much and it’s not just one thing that they tackle. They provide food and clothing, of course, but they also provide things like mental health services and financial support. Every child needs different kinds of support and they do it in so many different ways.
BBC/Ray Burmiston)Image:
Janette Manrara/Instagram)It’s a cause very close to your heart after your own experiences too, isn’t it?
I’ll be honest with you, I grew up in a household that had very, very little. I mean, if anything, the way that I grew up would have been more of a family that could have used support from Action For Children. At one point, my mum, dad, brother and I shared one bedroom at my grandparents’ house with two other people living there as well. I grew up with very little, so I understand the importance of cherishing what you have and the value of family love. My parents were always a lot more about the love and happiness in the household and a lot less about the things we had.
Is that a lesson you try to teach Lyra?
Yes, I’m very lucky and blessed that I can provide for her, but I’m conscious she understands that we’re very fortunate to be in this position. I don’t buy her a million presents, I don’t buy her loads of clothes. If anything, I buy her lots of books because I really want her to love books. We want her to appreciate experiences and share kindness.
Do you find it difficult being asked if you want to have another baby?
No, I never get annoyed. What I do find a bit frustrating is that those kinds of questions are never really put to men. It’s a one-way system towards women and I think that needs to change. Aljaž could do a million interviews and they’ll never ask, ‘Are you going to have another baby?’ But in our home, parenting is 50-50. Aljaž was the biggest reason I decided to become a mother, because I knew I could do it if we were doing it together.
PA)Juggling your job on It Takes Two and Aljaž on Strictly must be a lot…
I’m part-time with It Takes Two and Aljaž is so busy with Strictly, so I’m taking the reins with Lyra at the moment, but that changes and we absolutely co-parent straight down the middle.
Are you allowed to pick a favourite on Strictly? Who is it?
No, I’m not allowed because of It Takes Two. But I can say that I’ve loved this series for many reasons – and the surprise element that Chris [McCausland] has given us is one of those. I don’t think people expected him to deliver in the way he’s delivered. He’s just honestly taken any kind of social perception of what being blind or having some kind of a disability can limit you from doing and totally changed it.
What did you think of Aljaž and Tasha’s dance that they dedicated to Lyra?
I was in tears! I’ve honestly loved watching Aljaž back on the show. When we first met we danced with other partners, so I fell
in love with him watching him dance. And now to be his wife and have a little girl watching her daddy dancing on telly is such a beautiful thing for us as a family.
You all get on well with Tasha too, don’t you?
Yes, I said to her – because I really meant it – that if Lyra grows up to be like Tasha, who’s so humble and kind and gracious, I’ll be the happiest mum in the world.
Janette attended the Action For Children Secret Santa’s Giving Grotto. To become a Secret Santa and help support vulnerable children, donate at iamsanta.org.uk