Jimmy Kimmel said people often threaten to move to Canada after an election when they don’t like the results ― and it happened again after Donald Trump defeated Kamala Harris this week.
“Google searches for moving to Canada were up by 5,000%,” he said on Thursday night. “And that was just Melania.”
He said the search for new destinations hasn’t been limited to Canada.
“Searches for moving to Mexico also spiked as results started coming in,” he pointed out. “Probably from Canadians looking to get away from all the Americans who are planning to move to Canada.”
Kimmel then offered some practical advice for people willing to move because of the election results.
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“If you’re a Democrat and you’re that upset about the election, don’t move to Canada,” he advised. “Move to Florida, move to Pennsylvania, where they need your votes. Or, another idea: You could stay right where you are and calm down.”
See more in his Thursday night monologue: