WoW Patch 11.1 Undermine(d) profession updates include major change to Enchanted Crests

4 hours ago 7

World of Warcraft is about to enter the second season of The War Within, as players head to the Goblin hub of Undermine for the first time. Those who pursue professions with aplomb in the MMO should be on the lookout, as Patch 11.1 brings major changes to how many of them work.

Professions have always been one of the more impressive in-game systems in WoW. It allows players to interact and trade more freely, bringing their hard-earned expertise in a particular area to benefit the community at large and keep gold moving through the economy.

Over the years, more professions have been added and, though some are certainly higher priority than others, everyone has a role to play. That’s why it’s an area that deserves particular attention, and Blizzard is not disappointing in Patch 11.1.

Enchanted Crests can be bought from vendors in Patch 11.1

 The War WithinBlizzard Entertainment

Over on the official World of Warcraft forums, community manager Linxy confirmed several major changes are on the way for professions when Patch 11.1 goes live on February 25.

The biggest is perhaps the implementation of a new system for Enchanted Crests, in which they can be bought directly from Enchanting Supplies vendors or Syenite outside of the Crafter’s Enclave in Dornogal.

The complete breakdown of every change you can expect to see is as follows:

Specialization Resets

With 11.1.0, we are offering an opportunity to reset your specializations which can be utilized once per Dragon Isles profession and once per Khaz Algar profession. Doing so will unlearn all recipes and benefits granted by your specializations and refund your spent knowledge points. The following NPCs allow you to access this feature:

  • Darla Fluxy can be found in Dornogal, outside of the Crafter’s Enclave.
  • Siben can be found in Valdrakken’s Artisan’s Market, next to the Jewelcrafting station.

Enchanted Crests

To help simplify some of the crafting process, Enchanted Crests are no longer made by Enchanters and are instead purchasable from Enchanting Supplies vendors or Syenite outside of the Crafter’s Enclave in Dornogal.


Multiple weapon enchants, embellishments, and some consumables are underperforming and have received the following tuning changes.

  • Blacksmithing
    • Siponing Stilleto damaging effect to enemies increased by 7%.
  • Enchanting
    • Enchant Weapon – Authority of Fiery Resolve healing increased by 42% at Quality 1.
      Healing increased by 23% at Quality 2 and 3.
    • Enchant Weapon – Authority of Air damage absorption increased by 148% at Quality 1, 110% at Quality 2, and 100% at Quality 3. This does not apply in PvP combat.
    • Enchant Weapon – Authority of Radiant Power damage dealt increased by 23%.
    • Enchant Weapon – Authority of Storms damage dealt increased by 45% at Quality 1. Damage dealt increased by 23% at Quality 2 and 3.
    • Enchant Weapon – Authority of the Depths damage dealt per stack increased by 74% at Quality 1. Damage dealt per stack increased by 48% at Quality 2 and 3. This does not apply in PvP combat.
    • Oil of Deep Toxins damage increased by 48%.
    • Oil of Beledar’s Grace healing increased by 235%.
  • Engineering
    • Pouch of Pocket Grenades damage increased by 30%.
    • Concealed Chaos Module damage increased by 25%.
  • Jewelcrafting
    • Captured Starlight damage absorption increased by 327%. This does not apply in PvP combat.
  • Leatherworking
    • Sanctified Torchbearer’s Grips damage increased by 48%.

The direct buffs to Engineering, Jewelcrafting and Leatherworking items are nice to see, with the items named definitely suffering from a lack of relevancy right now.

Enchanting changes are the most ambitious in scope, with many of the buffs designed to elevate several Weapon Enchants. The last few patch cycles have seen one or two far outperforming their peers, so it will be great to have the opportunity to experiment a little more to see what works well.

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