Zendaya gave us Old Hollywood glamour at the 2025 Golden Globes, then turned around and gave us a different flavor of classic style at a special Challengers screening with director Luca Guadagnino the very next day. On Sunday, Zendaya wore a burnt orange gown with a retro curled bob. On Monday, her hair was back to black and styled in a high ponytail, worn with biker-chick-inspired black leather.
Zendaya's look for the screening combined a black leather blazer, buttoned and tightly fitted, with a flouncy black tulle miniskirt, like Z was a ballerina with a Harley. The black jacket looks to be from John Galliano's Dior Fall 2003 Ready-to-Wear collection, in keeping with the vintage theme of the past couple of days.
Her high ponytail was extra dramatic thanks to curtain bangs and long, face-framing layers on either side. And with hair this big, there's no need for much jewelry, so Zendaya skipped the necklace and opted for understated stud earrings.