Emotional Jimmy Kimmel Chokes Up As He Gives Trump Voters 1 Huge Reality Check

3 weeks ago 3

An emotional Jimmy Kimmel returned to his show on Wednesday night, his first since Donald Trump defeated Kamala Harris in the presidential election this week.

“Let’s be honest: It was a terrible night last night,” Kimmel said.

Kimmel ran down the list of everyone who had a terrible night, his voice cracking and tears welling up in his eyes as he spoke:

“It was a terrible night for women, for children, for the hundreds of thousands of hard-working immigrants who make this country go, for health care, for our climate, for science, for journalism, for justice, for free speech. It was a terrible night for poor people, for the middle class, for seniors who rely on Social Security, for our allies in Ukraine, for NATO, for the truth and democracy and decency.”

“It was a terrible night for everyone who voted against him,” he said, then delivered a warning to the president-elect’s supporters: “And guess what? It was a bad night for everyone who voted for him, too. You just don’t realize it yet.”

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See more in his Wednesday night monologue:

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