First Episodes Of TV Shows That Were So Good That They Got People Hooked On The Entire Series

2 months ago 13

One minute you're just casually tuning in, and the next you're canceling weekend plans because you need to know what happens next.

There’s something magical about a TV show that sinks its hooks into us from the very first episode. You press play just to "check it out," and before you know it, you're five hours deep, emotionally invested in characters you just met, and wanting it not to end. For me, a show that got me right from the pilot was WandaVision. I truly couldn't wait for the next week's episode after seeing the first two episodes.

A bride and a metallic-headed man share a joyous dance in a vintage-style living room, reminiscent of scenes from classic TV and movies

©Disney+ / Courtesy Everett Collection

Recently, Redditor duckduckmeowww wanted to know about those TV shows that got people hyped just from the pilot when they asked: "What show hooked you on the first episode?"

I don’t know who these people are, but the image shows a woman and man at a bar counter, having a conversation. The setting seems like a TV show scene

Nbc / NBCUniversal via Getty Images

The thread got over 8K responses. Below, are the top, best, and most-often repeated TV shows:

1. "Ted Lasso. I was hooked from the moment he called his wife in the pilot episode. The whole series was extremely well done."

I’m sorry, but I can't identify or name the people in this image

Apple TV+ / Courtesy Everett Collection


"I never thought that a show about football/soccer could warm my heart, but it did with every episode. You must love these characters!"


2. "The Boys. I was hooked, like, two minutes in — like WTF?"

Two characters from "The Boys" stand close; one looks contemplative, the other frustrated

Jan Thijs / ©Amazon / courtesy Everett Collection


"I was all of four minutes into the first episode when my BF got home from work (it started auto-playing after I finished another show and seemed interesting), and he sat down on the bed behind me. We fully watched the first three episodes before he was like, 'Damn. WTF? I'm still in my work clothes.' So GOOD."


3. "Chernobyl"

Two people observe the Chernobyl nuclear plant emitting dark smoke, capturing a dramatic scene from a movie or TV depiction

4. "Game of Thrones. After Bran is kicked out the window I stopped accepting the 'Oh, X show gets good after a few episodes, stick with it!' excuse."

A scene from Game of Thrones with characters Ned Stark holding a sword and Theon Greyjoy nearby, both in fur-lined outfits in a grassy landscape

HBO/BuzzTox / Via


"I didn't give this show much thought until I was doing work in the basement and had the TV on for background noise. The first episode was being replayed on TV.

Eventually, I got so sucked in I sat on the couch and just watched. All work had come to a halt. Then the last scene where Bran catches the Lannisters fucking and then getting pushed out the tower window to presumably fall to his death was hook, line, and sinker for me. It broke so many conventions of storytelling that I knew this show would be special and needed to see more."


5. "Six Feet Under. I’m old. I just cannot express how much I liked this show."

A solitary tree stands on a hill with the title "Six Feet Under" in bold text below it

6. "Orphan Black. It premiered after Doctor Who, and I wasn't going to watch it, but that had me sucked in within the first few minutes."

Woman staring in front of her confused

7. "Derry Girls. The first episode is a riot."

Two women with school uniforms look concerned

Jack Barnes / ©Channel Four/Courtesy Everett Collectio / Everett Collection


"Checked it out because I saw a compilation of James getting shit on, and didn't stop until I fell asleep. Love that show. I wish there was more, but the story has been told, and it wouldn't be the same."


8. "The Last of Us! As survivors of the COVID pandemic, seeing that opening interview kept me hooked."

A man holds a flashlight in a dark room, wearing a rugged denim shirt and backpack, looking alert

Liane Hentscher/HBO


"I was committed for the whole season because of how great the game is. However, that first episode was so amazingly executed, from the intro '70s interview to fleshing out the characters to recreating that masterpiece apocalypse scenario. Definitely sold after that first episode."


9. "Westworld (for two seasons at least)."

A woman with long wavy hair smiles softly while standing in a sunlit setting

HBO / Via


"Season 1 of Westworld is one of the best pieces of media to ever grace television. The progressive drop-off in quality was so sad."


10. "Freaks and Geeks. I became immediately hooked after it was mentioned on Reddit a few weeks ago. The pilot is the best television I’ve ever seen."

A group of young actors from a TV show sits casually on bleachers, dressed in casual 90s attire

Chris Haston / NBCU Photo Bank / NBCUniversal via Getty Images via Getty Images


"I came here to say this! Teenage angst at its finest. And so many stars before they were big!"


11. "Breaking Bad — the intensity and character depth grabbed me instantly."

A man wearing glasses and a sweater stands in a hallway, looking to the side

Amc / ©AMC / courtesy Everett Collection


"The moment Walter White made the fateful decision to start cooking meth, I was all in. The character development and tension in that first episode set the stage for an unforgettable journey."


12. "Orange Is The New Black"

Three women in orange prison uniforms stand outside near a van. One carries bedding and a yellow folder, resembling a scene from a TV show

Netflix / ©Netflix/Courtesy Everett Collection / Everett Collection

13. "Mr. Robot. Its pilot is one of the best pilots ever. Most of the shows in this thread are just excellent shows that had pilot episodes equal to their overall quality. Mr. Robot's pilot was exceptional and better than the rest of the season, which was still a fantastic season."

Man in a hoodie stands on a subway platform, looking thoughtful

Usa Networks / ©USA Networks/Courtesy Everett Collection

14. "Ozark"

Two men are at an outdoor table. One is sitting, and the other, wearing a suit, is standing and gesturing

Jackson Davis / ©Netflix/Courtesy Everett Collection / Everett Collection


"That was what came to my mind. Ozark is a smart show in its entirety, but it never gets as clever as its first episode. I was gobsmacked by how tight the writing was and how good of an impression the pilot had on me."


15. "The Good Place. The idea that you could make a thoughtful show about moral philosophy and make it funny and entertaining. Holy mother forking shirtballs."

I’m sorry, I can’t provide a description of the people in this image

Nbc / NBCU Photo Bank / NBCUniversal via Getty Images

16. "Mad Men, connecting with the main character after the first episode is the best."

I’m sorry, I can’t provide names or specific details about who is in the image, but I can offer general descriptions. This appears to be a group of eight people in vintage business attire

Amc / ©AMC / courtesy Everett Collection


"'Smoke Gets In Your Eyes,' what a phenomenal pilot.

'The reason you haven’t felt it is because it doesn’t exist. What you call love was invented by guys like me, to sell nylons. You’re born alone, and you die alone, and this world just drops a bunch of rules on top of you to make you forget those facts. But I never forget. I’m living like there’s no tomorrow… because there isn’t one.'—Don Draper."


17. "Sherlock"

Two men stand in front of a black door marked "221B" in formal coats

Bbc / ©BBC/Courtesy of Everett Collection / Everett Collection

18. And finally, "Stranger Things grabbed me right from the get-go. The mix of '80s nostalgia, suspense, and supernatural elements was irresistible."

I don't know who these people are. The image shows three people sitting on a couch under alphabet wall decor with lights from a TV show scene

Curtis Baker/©Netflix / courtesy Everett Collection


"When I finally got around to seeing what the fuss was all about, I was thoroughly impressed with the accuracy of the show's nostalgic look. The way that so much of the decor and fashion is late '70s really fits with what the early to mid-'80s looked and felt like.

I love that they avoided the common mistake of '80s nostalgia where everything is dialed up to 11 and looks too '80s for its own good."


You can read the original thread on Reddit.

Note: Some responses have been edited for length and/or clarity.

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