Man Turns Room Into Perfect '90s Time Capsule, and It's Nostalgia Overload

3 hours ago 1

An interior design aficionado has prompted some nostalgia online after sharing his '90s-inspired "time capsule" bedroom, complete with perfectly matching furniture and classic florals.

Zachary, known as @exzachlyyy on TikTok, has gained over 450,000 views on the platform after sharing the results of his bedroom renovation, which took a modern room back to a classic style from decades before.

The bedroom features floral wallpaper, matching floor-length curtains, a bedspread, chairs and even a tablecloth from the iconic brand Croscill.

Zachary's passion for nostalgic design and his reasons for creating the space are deeply personal. "My mom and grandma had rooms with sets from the same bedding company in the '80s and '90s," he told Newsweek.

"I always loved how everything matched," he said. "I spent a while tracking down the set to redo this bedroom in my house. I know this style is reappearing here and there, and people seem to really be affected by it and the memories it all brings back."

The vintage "Fiesta" set used in the room from Croscill embodies a time when home decor was intended to be cohesive and comforting. In the 1980s, the brand developed its iconic "total room concept," becoming a household name for offering complete matching ensembles for bedrooms and transforming home fashion into an all-in-one experience.

90s Decor Room
A TikToker has gained over 450,000 views after sharing the results of his bedroom renovation, which harks back to the 1990s. @exzachlyyy/TikTok

While Croscill's coordinated designs might feel like a throwback today, Zachary's re-creation has highlighted their lasting impact. On TikTok, people couldn't get enough of the bedroom.

"Imagine falling asleep after school on this bed while your grandmother watches soap operas and cooks you dinner in the other room," @nightsheid said in the comments.

Viewer @Tammy said: "Why the hell did this make me cry? I'm so tired of being an adult, I want to get in that bed and have a day off sick from school."

"I actually had this bedroom growing up and it's still my favorite," said another TikToker.

Others praised Zachary for preserving the design style in his home.

"People like you who take the time to preserve and appreciate decor like this deserve so much recognition because as time goes on it disappears. Thank you for keeping it alive," said @livmack24.

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About the writer

Alice Gibbs

Alice Gibbs is a Newsweek Senior Internet Trends & Culture Reporter based in the U.K. For the last two years ... Read more

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