'Woah!': Seth Meyers Takes A Moment To Process Donald Trump’s New Title

3 weeks ago 2

Seth Meyers joked about having a hard time describing Donald Trump as the president-elect on Monday’s “Late Night.”

Meyers kicked off his monologue by noting how President Joe Biden will host Trump in the Oval Office on Wednesday.

But when he came to calling Trump by his current title, he feigned faux surprise.

“Ooh. Oh, man. Woah. Oh, that’s the first time I said it. Yeah,” he joked to laughter from the audience.

“Let’s do a stupid joke first, alright, hoo!” Meyers suggested.

He cracked a gag about a mini-horse called Butter who got stuck in a well and then said, “Alright, whoo. Here we go, here we go, thank you Butter, thank you for your service, Butter.”

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Meyers then continued, “The White House announced that President Biden will host President-elect Trump in the Oval Office but he’s drawing the line at putting out snacks.”

“He can eat afterward,” he mimicked Biden as saying. “I’m not joking around. He can bring his own snacks.”

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