Samsung Galaxy Ring grabbed a lot of eyeballs in the Indian market since its launch in October 2024. However, not even for once, the device is available at any kind of discount. And considering the price of Rs 38,999, a lot of people have their own restrictions. But now, Samsung is bringing a whopping discount of Rs 10,000 on the Galaxy Ring and the interested people should surely have a look at the deal.
After the discounts, the Ring will be available for Rs 28,999. All the people who want to discount can use the coupon code, “GALAXYRING” to get the discounts on the official Samsung Shop app or website. Until now, it has not been confirmed if the discount will be available on other platforms or not. The ring is available in three different Titanium finishes – Silver, Black, and Gold. Furthermore, people can choose from sizes 5 to 15. In addition, the users can also get a free sizing kit and select the correct size.
Samsung Galaxy Ring: What it has to offer?
The Galaxy Ring offers health and fitness-based updates to the users. They can use it to measure their heart and respiratory rate. Apart from that, the ring also shows the Energy Score of the people that can used to recognize the impact of their health on their daily lives. The device will also offer a detailed sleep analysis based on your snoring patterns.
It also carries IP68 certification for water and resistance along with a 10ATM rating which means you can keep wearing it while swimming and showering. The chassis of the ring is made up of Titanium Grade 5 for improved durability and protection. The battery size is dependent on the size of the ring. On average, it will go on for up to seven days on a single charge.
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