50 Cent hopped online to share his thoughts about Lil Durk hiring celebrity defense attorney Drew Findling.
50 thinks Findling could help Durk beat his federal case.
“Lil Durk got Drew Findling on the case he sharp, if [the prosecution] didn’t cross their T’s and dot their i’s he gonna hit the bricks again,” he wrote on Instagram.
Durk is accused of setting up a hit on Savannah rapper Quando Rondo as “retaliation” for the death of rapper King Von, who was fatally shot by Lul Tim outside an Atlanta club in 2020.
Durk reportedly hired five members of OTF, who used a company credit card to pay for the alleged rentals for the hit. An arrest warrant for Durk described OTF members as “individuals who engage in violence, including murder and assault, at the direction of BANKS and to maintain their status in OTF.”
Durk denies all of the allegations against him and will be heading to trial.
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