Student Completely Unprepared For What College Brings In For Finals Week

2 weeks ago 4

In a viral TikTok video, a student revealed how their college surprised them during finals week, leaving internet users in hysterics.

The post, shared on December 16 by a creator who goes by the username @sarastein26 and says she attends the University of Nebraska Omaha, shows the student struggling to contain her excitement, as she films an unusual guest.

"Pov [Point of view]: your university brought in animals for finals week and one is literally a capybara," reads layover text in the clip, which immediately went viral on the platform, receiving over 3.5 million views and 941,600 likes.

Capybaras are the largest living rodents on earth and their size is twice that of a beaver. National Geographic says these semi-aquatic mammals live in the northern and central parts of South America, though a small invasive population has been found in Florida too.

These animals are known for their friendly and sociable nature, and have become a popular tourist attraction in countries like Brazil and Japan, where capybara cafes offer people the chance to hang out with the rodents and pet them.

Georgia-based veterinarian Jess Kirk says in a Vet Explains Pets article that due to their calming presence, capybaras are known to help reduce stress and anxiety, and are often used in animal-assisted therapy programs to provide emotional support and comfort.

While overall capybaras are not considered an endangered species, there are lots of vicious predators after them, including jaguars, pumas, caimans, snakes like the boa constrictor, and birds of prey like the caracara and black vulture, among others.

In some areas their existence is also severely threatened by people who hunt them for their skin, who have already wiped out entire local populations. These creatures are also impacted by the issue of deforestation, as some of their natural habitats are being converted to make way for crop fields and cattle ranches.

a capybara in the wild
A stock image shows a capybara in the wild. A university in Nebraska brought in a special guest during finals week, and students couldn't believe their eyes. getty images

Capybaras have long been a key part of internet culture, becoming the source of memes and viral posts. According to a 2021 article in Vice, the online popularity of the creatures is likely down to their unusual size and appearance, as well as the perception of them as representing the underdog.

Internet users could not believe their eyes, and some were jealous that their schools never brought in such special guests.

One user, Moxie said: "'s not just a capy...ITS A BABY CAPY!!!!!!!!!!"

Butterfly wrote: "What university is this? I need to go."

jamiesak1995 said: "The jealousy I feel."

Mallory added: "I would cry just pure happiness."

Newsweek reached out to @sarastein26 via TikTok comments and to the University of Nebraska Omaha via email for comment. We could not verify the details of the case.

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